Frequently asked questions

Here are some answers to commonly asked questions about Bronzeville Lakefront contract work.

If you don't see the answer you're looking for, fill out the Contact form below and we'll get back to you.

  • GRIT is the General Contractor for the Public Infrastructure Improvements project, with SPACECO serving as the project’s Construction Manager.

  • Yes. GRIT has committed to the following:

    50% City of Chicago residency (total worker hours)

    30% MBE (City of Chicago and Cook County certified firms only)

    10% WBE (City of Chicago and Cook County certified firms only)

  • Package releases will be communicated via email to all subcontractors on the project distribution list. You can sign up for the distribution list by filling out the "Request more information” form on any Current Opportunity page. Emails will be sent by Ta Juana Tang of Tandem Ventures.

  • Yes. Certified payroll will be submitted each week. For each project we will utilize both LCPTracker and Skillsmart for certified payroll reporting. Our compliance consultant will provide training on both systems.

  • Bronzeville Lakefront projects are governed by Illinois Prevailing Wages. As such, the Illinois Prevailing wage rate, including applicable fringe benefits, at a minimum, will be required.


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